Friday, February 22, 2013

Finding Myself

In the first few weeks of University, I did enough 'finding myself' to last a lifetime.

Some of the time, I was in home territory - hanging out with the 'inbetweeners' and, dare I say it, leading the pack somewhat.  In that crowd I was, I guess, the most socially able and the better looking (the competition wasn't up to much) one.  And they were nice people - we were of a 'type' and I was neither excited nor bored by them.


Some of the time, I was learning how to sweatily mosh at Balls and social nights - pushing other sweary moshers around to the Wonderstuff and drinking enormous amounts of snakebite and black.

Some of the time, I was wide-eyededly learning a new language of intellectual cool - new bands, new poets, new writers, new film-makers - none of which was coming from my tutors.

Some of the time, I was back in my room, wondering what I was doing here, listening to the awful student indy band practicing in the bar underneath my window.

In the first few months, I did enough 'finding myself' to last a second lifetime.

The brown leather jacket from Wembley Market was unceremoniously ditched in favour of a trenchcoat from the A&N store.  Converse shoes and baggy jumpers were adopted, as were beads and a canvas bag. 

And I, of course, started smoking.  With a passion.  I'd always, long before this time, imagined myself as a smoker.  My constant running backwards and forwards to the bar ('does anyone want another drink - i do!') was indicative of a certain nervous energy.  But I can remember, the morning after having tried smoking for the first time, putting the packet in my bag and R saying "are you going to do it again?".  Hell Yes.  I'm a smoker now.

In that first year, I did enough 'finding myself' to last a hundred lifetimes and I got nowhere near finding myself.

I had a girlfriend.  I parachuted.  I bungy-jumped.  I went to Balls (E came to one) and Parties.  I queued for the phone.  I queued for the post.  I drank everything with 'black'.  I drank in a bar where people pee'd in the bin.  I never ate breakfast.  I made passionate friendships.  And equally passionate enemies.

They were great times.  They sucked.

Where to start?

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