Sunday, October 14, 2012


When I began writing this (which I've maintained, I'll admit, only intermittently, from thereon) it was, in many respects, with the sole intent of 'putting to bed' some demons.  I felt, then, that the best way to dispell some rather mundane and seemingly insignificant aspects of my past that had continued to pop back up and haunt me at inopportune moments, was to write them down.  And it's worked.  That's not to say that life hasn't thrown a fresh set of rather mundane and seemingly insignficant moments to haunt me in the meantime but, for the time being, mission has indeed been accomplished.

I don't want writing this to become a chore and I certainly never intended (or intend) for it to become a public platform for my views on today or, indeed, yesterday.  But I've kind of enjoyed it and appreciated it being there.  I think I'll keep it up.

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